It was a bit odd to find this box car train with a Chiclets logo on it, but I could not pass it up considering...
I grew up chewing Chiclets gum and as a package it had always intrigued me. I loved the plastic window and opening the little perforated door to let out a chiclet at a time. In my novelty end of producing art and looking at packages, this idea came came to me and seemed so rediculous I had to figure out a way to make it work.
I realized that I could get 26 - 16 page books from one sheet of 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper. As always if I can print from my printer I usually will and this is my maximum size. My friend Ron White liked the idea and hopped on board to make up some books. It took us a few years to design all the 26 books. The registration is so tight for aligning the front and back side of the sheet that my printer or Xeroxing was not working. So we went to a 4-color offset press. Then there was the whole procedure of getting all these little suckers bound together in their candy covered shell - really just clay coat card stock- but it mimics the the candy coated gum and shell perfectly.
As to the matter of the box as shown above, at first I tried to just have color xerox cpies on heavy stock. I didn't like the shade of yellow really, but then also having to hand cut over 100 boxes and score the fold lines, was going to be stupid. I did 10 this way and then thought no way. So we got the boxes printed as well with 3 spot colors and I designed a die to get them punched out. Ahhh, nice. There is an image of the box flat below. The image above is from one of the first 10 made the hard way. We ended up with an edition of 125 boxes.

Display in the Rock Paper Scissors group show of Bookworks at
the Irvine Fine Arts Center in Irvine California, 2010