Monday, August 31, 2020

I Could not resist....So Happy!


After my previous post with my Oh Henry / So Happy design, I could not resist making a full mock-up of the bar. It looks fabulous! Though, I do need to find a smaller ‘pinking shears’ for the zig zag cuts.

This past Friday I shared my idea with the Hershey Company. I really wish the internet didn’t make it impossible to actually talk to somebody at large companies. They did have a ‘share your ideas with us’ button to click on, which I used to submit my idea, but by doing so, I may have given up all rights to my fantastic idea, by having to agree with their 10 terms, which by the way I don’t agree to. It’s very unfair. I  don’t mind or care so much If I don’t get paid ( I have zillions of ideas per minute coming out of my cranium), as long as I get a years’ worth of Oh Henry! bars. And that’s a lot. It might be cheaper to pay me. 

Monday, August 10, 2020

OH! I would be So Happy!

I was sitting at a coffee shop before work and In the corner of my eye I saw the chocolate bar stand and the side of a box of Oh Henry chocolate bars. But I couldn’t believe my eyes as I saw the words SO Happy instead of Oh Henry. Brilliant I thought, what a great idea for them to do that. But when I actually looked, I saw it really ‘only’ said Oh Henry. 

And this got me thinking. It’s a great Idea. Now to sell them on it. (Hershey). Let’s make this happen!

So this is what I came up with by mimicking the current Oh Henry wrapper design.